Home / Services for clubs
for clubs
Below, you’ll find an overview of the primary services we offer.
Player evaluations
Individual player ratings and reports
With our player evaluation service, you simply send us a list of player names, and we evaluate them accurately and fast. We use Wyscout to rate and describe them in detail. Because of this, you know which players to cross out and who to follow up on with your own internal scouting team.

Match reports
Watching matches to spot interesting players
Every week, many games are played in which potentially interesting players compete. With our help, you will be able to cover way more of those matches to identify transfer targets. One of our scouts watches the match, and rates and reports the most interesting and suitable players for your club.
League scouting
Identify interesting players within a league or region
Many clubs divide their scouts per league or region to collect information about players. With our league scouting service, we’ll take care of one or more leagues or regions for you. We watch matches, collect information and point you towards the players you should look at with your own team.